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ただの私のシャウトです ホントにうるさいですよ 耳 気をつけてくださいね 特にイヤホンの方 脳みそ揺れるかもです It’s just my shout. It’s really noisy. Please be careful with your ears. Especially if you use earphones, it might shake your brain.

C'est juste mon cri. C'est vraiment bruyant. Soyez prudent avec vos oreilles. Surtout si vous utilisez des écouteurs, cela pourrait secouer votre cerveau.

Poland and Ukraine

You’re with patriotism to Earth have. A nation to manage the soul.

– Jimi Hendrix

raw life


All free pics. 

but I wanna say Thank you so much for all photographers.

Six o double x

Contemporary music       現代音楽

Despite the welcome ceasefire, no place is safe for children across the Gaza Strip.

Gaze at the center of the circle, the surrounding colors will disappear

DON'T too much try 


Trick art.


Next right page. you will get some answer.

私の子供たち かわいいでしょ~

My children are cute, aren't they?


thank you for Ian

smoke dolphin

basted peace of cake. symbol of 50 minu. barking dogs seldom bite, some words may to the wise is enough. children’s supplication for their broken retina. gravitation of the earth was needed for world center of sadness. fight with inner self rather than sharing abuse with someone. just like picked up in the garbage area music instrument into the orchestra sea. birth and mirage, 1 4 5 8, psychological symphony of destiny. donation, hypocrite or not, injection meaning that saved the life, who cares. solving philosophy with philosophy, scattered information was melted with zongora melody. push classic score against on the wall and pierce the neck by violin bow. main melody of the carotid artery. cram anxiety in the crossfader, turn the vinyl records. it’s also important to be for some courage to be disliked . you get for enjoys blues, no technique is important. while watching diagonally above to return by flashback. and ride on cicada chirps and climb to trees. under the midsummer sun. morning butter sliding on the toast. and mother. dried that shooting stars. crush the Sisyphos rock and it get rain downpour of syrup. than keep swallow deadly broken heart. what’s good. hey dude everything gonna be alright. et ou en etes-vous. listen to the sound of 29 bells. numbers are decided tomorrow. transaction nasty fingers. If 1000 people touch it. because 998people will may be hurt, so. guys won’t touch it. Is it correct. bloody louds and gaze. the surface is silent. pretend not to notice. underway.  those photo of nonexistent memories taken by artistic neurons was a smiling girl at the gymnasium of ‘98. there is no rewind of the second hand. pain is need but doesn’t need get many pain for comfortable alive. like children playing at ruins. grew up by the DRM. history of music corps for end. street graphic art and rubbed trace to blue bench. a sidewalk of desert. drunker hoop barriers. ignition to an impossible fuse and pasted to the dark moon light. that hear most beautiful grand piano melody played by Jack the Ripper at the back of the moon and it was pretty long way. but I can’t remember at all just like yesterday, cuz, still gain headway. stand up for today and kick away the tomorrows door


skatepark of 1999(Kugenuma)

so I can do anything I want.

LATA 65 (Portugal Lisbon)